Abington Celebrates

Abington Celebrates Christmas

Abington Celebrates started out as an ad-hoc committee formed in 2015, organized under the Town of Abington’s umbrella with a mission to bring fireworks back to Abington. Since successfully bringing the fireworks back in 2018 Abington Celebrates has incorporated, became a legal 501(c)3 charity and is now overseen by a Board of Directors. Along with promoting numerous community events, Abington Celebrates organizes three “signature” weekends every year; Flag Day/Founders Day, Oktoberfest and Christmas at Island Grove.
Abington Celebrates hopes to continue working with Abington businesses, fraternal groups, churches, youth groups and other non-profits with the goal of providing Town-wide family-friendly free/low-cost events for all to enjoy.
Abington Celebrates is not supported by tax dollars and relies wholly on private donations. Without the support of community partners, donors and sponsors Abington Celebrates weekends would not be possible. Abington Celebrates also works closely the Police, Fire, Public Works, School Department and Health Department who provide the much needed support to make these weekends a success.
How to Get Involved
Abington Celebrates events and meetings are open to the public.
Follow on Facebook and Instagram: @Abington Celebrates
For more information please email, abingtoncelebrates@gmail com

Board Members
Name | Title |
Michele Coyle | Chair |
Nancy Reid | Treasurer |
Judith O'Brien | Clerk |
Christie Coombs | Member |
Kenneth Coyle | Member |
Dr. Rev. Kristy Coburn | Member |
Bob Manning | Member |